Sunday, January 26, 2014


So, I've recently become addicted to Dragons World on my phone. The outcome of breeding certain dragons isn't always predictable (although, you can narrow it down based on breeding/incubation time) and I'm super impatient and need to know what dragon I'm going to get based on the egg. I've scoured the internet and can't find a list or chart showing what each dragon's egg looks like, so I decided to start my own. Since I started this list while already at level 12, I'm having to go back to previously acquired dragons to get screen shots and will update this chart when I get new ones. If you would like to contribute to any of the dragons with a question mark, please send me a screen shot of the "collect" button on the egg along with which egg it is.

Thanks and I hope this helps you out!!

Fire Dragon
Earth Dragon
Lava Dragon
fire + earth
Nature Dragon
Tropical Dragon
fire + nature
Grass Dragon
earth + nature
Fruit Dragon
earth + nature
Predatory Dragon
fire + earth + nature
Flower Dragon
fire + nature
Spring Dragon
fire + nature
Water Dragon
Steam Dragon
fire + water
River Dragon
earth + water
Ferocious Dragon
fire + earth + water
Tortoise Dragon
earth + water
Water Lily Dragon
nature + water
Coral Dragon
water + nature
Swamp Dragon
earth + nature + water
Air Dragon
Phoenix Dragon
fire + air
Rock Dragon
earth + air
Dandelion Dragon
nature + air
Snow Dragon
water + air
Agile Dragon
fire + nature + air
Desert Dragon
fire + earth + air
Chinese Dragon
fire + water + air
Butterfly Dragon
nature + air
Magic Dragon
Magic Fire Dragon
fire + magic
Crystal Dragon
earth + magic
Obsidian Dragon
fire + earth + magic
Brush Dragon
nature + magic
Pearl Dragon
water + magic
Lake Dragon
nature + water + magic
Pangolin Dragon
earth + nature + water + magic
Wind Dragon
air + magic
Gryphon Dragon
air + magic
Light Dragon
Sun Dragon
fire + light
Diamond Dragon
earth + light
Petal Dragon
nature + light
Herbivore Dragon
earth + nature + light
Rainbow Dragon
water + light
Seaweed Dragon
water + light
Lightning Dragon
air + light
Light Magic Dragon
magic + light
magic + light
Gladiator Dragon
air + magic + light
Twilight Dragon
Ash Dragon
fire + twilight
Gorge Dragon
earth + nature + twilight
Deep-Sea Dragon
earth + water + twilight
Sapphire Dragon
earth + twilight
Aztec Dragon
fire + earth + nature + twilight
Mushroom Dragon
nature + twilight
Sea Dragon
water + twilight
Night Dragon
air + twilight
Black Magic Dragon
magic + twilight
Full Moon Dragon
light + twilight

1 comment:

ReAnna The Realest said...

This is the best chart I've found