Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mustache vs. Moustache

I've had a slight obsession with moustaches lately. Relax, it's nothing to worry about. But it did inspire me to create a sterling silver mustache necklace and now I'm planning a moustache themed birthday extravaganza for my 24th birthday next month! The plan is to get together with my friend, John, who's birthday is just a few days after mine and have a duo birthday celebration at a friend's hookah bar in the French Quarter with bellydancing and the works. Of course, it will be B.Y.O.M. (Bring Your Own Moustache) and I'm planning on handing out cheap felt stick on moustaches to complete strangers. It's New Orleans. Weirder things have happened. I also feel the need for some sort of moustache game involving pictures with random moustachioed strangers/moustache bingo/guess that moustache/et cetera. There will definitely be chocolate moustaches on sticks and a giant moustache shaped cake. What else am I forgetting??

So, my question, "mustache" or "moustache?" Which spelling do you prefer? I'm working on creating invitations for this classy event and I'm torn between the two. As my friend, Doug, just pointed out to me, "but moustachioed is such a better word than mustached."

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